
谷歌教育工作空间 is a suite of online software applications that allow users to share information and ideas using Google's communication, 协作和发布工具. 学生和教师可以创建和共享文档, 电子表格和日历事件, 以及使用聊天和视频消息进行交流.

登录Google Workspace

访问任何谷歌的附属网站(G邮件除外). 在登录提示符处,输入完整的@odu.Edu的电子邮件地址, 密码留空,然后单击“登录”. Then log in with your MIDAS ID and password on ODU's Monarch-Key web login page.

These are just a few of the Google web网站 you can log into with your ODU account:



(2月1日前入学的学生, 2023 only) Google's email interface has a powerful spam filter and up to 50 GB of storage. (教师, staff and newer student email accounts are provided through Office 365.)


(2月1日前入学的学生, (仅限2023年)安排好你的日程, 保留个人日历以协调会议, 或者安排活动. 可共享的日历集成与G邮件,驱动器,网站和聊天.


Store your important files in this 50 GB cloud 开车 (storage space shared with email). 创建, 共享和协作文档, spreadsheets and presentations with fellow students across campus or across the world.

谷歌驱动 is available to students, faculty and staff on a Mac, PC, Android or iOS device.

University employees must be careful to protect confidential or restricted data. Before using 谷歌驱动 to send, store or share University information, review the 调节数据存储矩阵.


Conversations come to life with 谷歌聊天 which provide the ability to communicate with other Google users through chat, 语音或视频.

  • 发送消息、照片和表情符号.
  • 创建, broadcast and/or record an online meeting, interview, study group or tutoring session.
  • 保持最多15人的视频通话.
  • 跨电脑、安卓和苹果设备连接.


创建 web网站 using simple tools, and publish them with Google.


User-created online and email-based 组 provide 邮件ing lists, 轻松的内容共享, 可搜索的档案和更多.



Student accounts (including email accounts) are deleted one year after your last class at ODU, 是否毕业, 转学或决定不注册额外课程. 在你丢失任何重要文件之前, you may want to migrate your data to a personal Google account or to another service:




谷歌教育工作空间可以在你的 G邮件 页面,主要的谷歌 搜索 page, or by direct web link to the specific Google application:


University employees must be careful to protect confidential or restricted data. Before using 谷歌驱动 to send, store or share University information, review the 调节数据存储矩阵.

You have one username for all services in the Google Workspace suite. Once you log in to one service, you can easily access all others.

You'll receive invitations for 日历 events and to collaborate on documents and spreadsheets.

(Note: Other Google services offered in free public G邮件 accounts such as Picassa or BlogSpot will not be accessible through your student account. You must log in with your public G邮件 account (not your student account) to access these other Google services.)

谷歌教育工作空间 accounts have been customized for optimal educational collaboration. ODU has taken steps to ensure that your student data is protected above and beyond a publicly available account. As an organization, Google is currently SAS 70 Type I compliant.

Google has promised to uphold a strict privacy policy and to always treat your personal information with the utmost care and security. Keep in mind that Google has agreed that ODU student data is subject to the Family Educational Rights and 隐私 Act (FERPA) when in Google's possession.

For more information on Google's 隐私 and Security Policy, see web links below:

谷歌在2012年4月整合了Google Docs和谷歌驱动. 谷歌驱动 combines all of the Docs features with improved cloud storage functionality. Google's web-based apps allow users to create and store files in the cloud and collaborate on projects anytime from anywhere with an internet connection.

You can get started by creating a new file in 谷歌驱动 or by uploading a file from your computer and converting it to Google's format. 因为乘积是积分的, you can use your email account 联系s list to invite people to view and/or edit your documents.


  • Revision history - Individual edits are kept so you can see who made changes and revert back, 如果有必要的话.
  • 搜索——就像谷歌的其他产品一样, you can harness the power of Google 搜索 to look for a file or 搜索 for keywords within a file.
  • Security and privacy - You choose who can view/edit your document and what level of access they have. Other users can only access your document or spreadsheet if you add them to the list of collaborators or viewers or if you decide to publish the document.


  • 边缘
  • 火狐
  • Safari

The latest version of Google 铬 is supported (which automatically updates whenever it detects that a new version of the browser is available). 火狐当前和以前的主要版本, Internet Explorer and Safari are supported on a rolling basis; each time a new version is released, Google supports that version and stops supporting the third most recent version.

The Status Dashboard is a web site that lists the current status of all Google services. If you are not able to access one of the web-based applications or you suspect that an app is down, 去 来检查所有谷歌服务的状态.